Proclamations for Down Syndrome Awareness Day!
Look for news about all the local cities that have declared October 1st Down Syndrome Awareness Day and October as Down Syndrome Awareness Month!
Bingo Card Fundraiser!
Click Here to get your Virtual Bingo Card and post to Facebook to start!
Each Bingo card totals $321 and each person who fills their card with donation amounts will be entered in a drawing to win a special prize!
Donations will be accepted through Venmo or Cash App. Make sure to tell your donors to note your name when they make their donations!
Bingo Winner will be announced October 7th.
Join us with Coach Bruce Pearl and the Auburn Men's Basketball Team!
10/05/2024, 9am to 12pm at Neville Arena at Auburn University
Registration coming soon!
Kick off the month in Auburn with the DSA Auburn/Opelika STEP UP Walk!
10/06/2024, 1pm to 4pm at the Exceptional Foundation of East AL
See registration link above!
Fun Friday Facebook Fundraiser Challenge!
If you missed the Bingo Card Fundraiser, create a fundraiser on Facebook for DSA STEP UP for DOWN SYNDROME and each person that has 11 people donate $11 will be entered in a drawing for a special prize!
Winner will be announced on October 14th.
Every Monday in October, our website and social media channels will highlight celebrations of individuals with Down syndrome from Alabama.
Join us on October 20th in Birmingham for STEP UP for DOWN SYNDROME
Bring your friends and family and let's walk and celebrate together! Post pictures on social media, announce your team's funds raised and thank all those who helped this year!
Make sure to wear yellow and blue on October 21st to bring awareness to all those individuals living with Down syndrome in Alabama!
Wear your silliest pair of socks on Friday, October 25th and let the world know you celebrate Down Syndrome Awareness Month!
Join us in Montgomery with the DSA River Region STEP UP Walk!
10/14/2023, 9am to 11am at Faulkner University - John Mark Stallings Field
See registration link above!
Make sure to take time to thank all your friends and family that have celebrated with you and contributed this month! Social media is a great way to share all the love you experienced during Down Syndrome Awareness Month!