Dating and Puberty – Evening Session with Terri Couwenhoven
Mar 04, 2023 5:00PM—6:00PM
United Ability's LINCPoint 101 Oslo Circle Birmingham, AL 35211
This is the link to register for ONLY the evening session with Terri Couwenhouven.
March 4, 2023 5pm – 6pm United Ability LINCPoint Adult Programming Building
$10 per person or $15 per family if pre-registered by 2/24
$15 per person or $20 per family after 2/24 or at the door
Dinner will be provided to DSA Members if you pre-register by 2/24. After 2/24, dinner will be based on availibilty but not gaureenteed.If you have registered for the full day’s conference at Unitied Ability through the link at CHOA, this session is included in that registration.If you would like to register for the whole day’s conference, go to |