Who are the #theluckyfew?

#theluckyfew…. we hear this term and we see it all over social media. We see the tattoos but where did it start and what does it mean? Who are the lucky few?
Heather Avis wrote a book called The Lucky Few: Finding God’s Best in the Most Unlikely Places and it’s a book worth adding to your list. “The phrase ‘The Lucky Few‘ started as something that came from Heather’s heart when talking about her kiddos, because we all do, indeed, feel like we are ‘the lucky few‘ who get to have people with Down syndrome in our immediate family,” said May.
The Lucky Few Tattoo
How did the #luckyfewtattoo trend start? Read all about it in this article from Today. The trend took off all over the world and yes, even in Alabama. In celebration of Word Down Syndrome Day in March 2018, Lauren Waites, a DSA member, gathered many of our Lucky Few Tribe together to get a #luckyfewtattoo.

Heather Avis
Heather Avis has branded the lucky few and her website is a great resource for our DS community. Her and her husband adopted 3 children and two have Down syndrome so she speaks from experience. Heather is an author, speaker, shouter of worth, narrative shifter. She recently published a second book called Scoot Over and Make Some Room.
Heather also hosts the lucky few podcast with two other mothers, Micha Boyett and Mercedes Lara. All three moms have children with Down syndrome. They encourage everyone to shift the narrative by shouting the worth of people with Down syndrome. The moms and guest speakers cover topics like inclusion, health challenges, therapy, the pandemic and so much more. This is a podcast worth adding to your list and sharing with others.
Share Resources
Down Syndrome Alabama celebrates the lucky few. The organization will always strive to increase awareness, promote acceptance and advancing advocacy. We love to share resources that will help support the journey of our members. If you have resources that you feel could help others, please send to Kelly Peoples at downsyndromealabama@gmail.com.
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